club breakfast and agm – 2012

when – saturday 14th april at 9:00am (breakfast at 8:40, agm at 9:00)

where – dome westralia plaza 167 st georges terrace, perth

cost – $15 will get you a coffee and food.

the breakfast is pretty straight forward and it will start directly after the saturday morning ride.  $15 will get you a coffee and a buffet of food.  please rsvp to the comments below so we know how many to cater for.

once everyone is fed, we will start the agm.  members will need to sign in as they pay for their breakfast so we can keep a record of attendance.  as per our constitution, all committee positions become vacant at the start of the agm.  we are calling on nominations for the 4 main (pres, vice, treas and sec) and 7 supporting committee positions. after a bit of discussion on how it ran this past year (not very well) there has been a suggestion to break the work into functional areas.  the usual administration roles still exist, but the supporting positions become representatives for sub committees covering particular issues.  we have potential for 7 different subcommittees but we have identified 4 main areas – kit, social, fundraising, race.  these subcommittees work on their particular area and report back to the committee via their representative.  if you want to get involved with the club this year, please forward your nomination through via email.  if you want anything in particular added to the agenda, also send it through via email.

77 thoughts on “club breakfast and agm – 2012”

  1. Thanks to Dome and all the crew for a very well run breakfast. What was that yum savoury muffin I had? I need another one tomorrow.

  2. Hey Shaw the muffin you had was a Spinach and Fetta – this Saturday will be Mozzerella, Tomato and Basil. I will set one aside for you.

    1. also had an awesome muffin at the agm but not sure what it was. it was sweet tasting with frosting on the top? cream colored muffin so not chocolate. sorry the description kinda sucks but would love to know what it is 🙂

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