ride leader pilot program

06one of the unique features of SPR is that we run training rides every day of the week, where we get riders from many different backgrounds, fitness levels and riding experience. trying to manage this wide spread of skills, abilities and knowledge within a given ride is no small challenge. the committee regularly gets feedback, and discusses at great length, on how to deal with this.

without exception, the key thing that comes out of this is that we need to have larger numbers of well skilled ride leaders. its believed that by having better, more consistent ride leadership, our rides will be safer and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

over the last three months, the club’s training and development sub-committee has been developing a theory and skills based program for ride leaders. the program pilot will kick off this month with a small group of current ride leaders offering their time, experience and feedback on the course content and delivery.

the pilot will run through to early november and when its finished, you will start to see and feel quite a different approach taken to ride leadership. we will then announce when the first “public” program will run which will be available to all interested club members, probably sometime in december or january.