ride leaders

anyone can be a ride leader
anyone can be a ride leader

over the last few weeks the fast 1/2 and main 1/1.5 groups would have had a combined 100 riders.  it is great that so many people are progressing through the groups and stepping up to the faster groups.  it does show that what we have structured is working well as it allow a pathway for riders as they develop.

unfortunately, what it has also done is drag some riders away from leading the slower groups as the leaders themselves also want to progress and develop.  last week i took main 3 out for the ride and directed them around the ride route.  the “slower” ride is not necessarily slower for the leader as i probably did twice as much work moving between the front (to call directions) and then to the back (to help dropped riders) then to the front (to give directions) and repeat.

as i said, with about 100 riders in the best online casino fast/main1 it is not much to ask for a couple of riders each week to give their time to help direct the other groups.  there are 52 weeks in the year so you and your mate, really only have to do it once.

ride leaders are not about smashing main 3 in the final sprint, but should be there to direct the group so they can learn how to look after themselves.  how to roll through (without smashing it), how to peel off from the front, ensuring the group regroups after being split at lights.  it is not really hard stuff and most of you do it second nature.  all it takes is a nice loud voice to get your directions across.

you are part of a club, not just a group of people meeting at a carpark.  the club needs you to do your bit so that developing riders understand what is required of them.  the last thing we want is really fit people with no group riding skills mixing it in the fast group.

7 thoughts on “ride leaders”

  1. I will try convince Jarrad to come take Main 3 with me one day.. Hard to give up a Saturday ride when you only do one group ride a week..

    I guess I could get my lazy a$$ out of bed one week during the week so I could kick back and shout out at the slower groups.. But why are group leaders not allowed to take the sprint points? 😉

    1. Maybe a roster could be worked on so we know which weeks which groups require leaders?

      Till then I will continue taking the fast group 😉

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