SPR Ladies Training Info Sesion

To get things underway for the people interested in some training tips, Tom is going to hold several info sessions on the basic principals behind cycle training.

The sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:30pm at Dome Westralia.

The sessions will be as follows:

23rd Jan: Principals of a training plan, types of training, building an individual training plan
30th Jan: Using a powermeter &/or heart rate monitor to improve training
7th Feb: Principals of bike fit (road & TT) & the fundamentals of good nutrition for cycling

Please leave a note in the comments if you plan to attend so we can arrange some space at Dome.

19 thoughts on “SPR Ladies Training Info Sesion”

  1. I’ve a mtg at work till 6pm this weds (grrrr) really annoying since the first session is of most interest to me – but should be able to make the last two. Let me know if you can swap the first two session topics around – no drama wotsoever if not possible tho’! – I can always nag Tom for a summary afterwards! Since my nutrition is so appalling, I’d best make sure I attend that one, eh?!

  2. It’s going to be a warm Wednesday, out look hot. Perfect for a Dome squashed frog beverage. Ice cold chocolate milk, icecream, ice, cream, chocolate sprinkles topped with a fredo frog. A big kids perfect drink 🙂

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