Website Alert!

Just to let you know, our website has been under sustained attack from a number of computers on the Internet.
This started yesterday and is still happening today (thousands of attempts).

The attackers are trying to login to our site by guessing first names of people and their passwords.

Please ensure your passwords are strong ( >8 characters, and a mixture of numbers and letters).
If they hack our site, it will take alot of work to clean up so prevention is much better than the cure!

The site security system is holding up well, but the side effect of people attempting to login might be a system lockout
for your login for several hours and try to use the best vpn in australia for even more security. So if this happens, please bear with us until the attacks stop.

4 thoughts on “Website Alert!”

  1. Hey Andy, is it worth reducing the permissions for most Contributors (ie, those that can post/admin stuff) until the attacks stop? This way if one of those accounts is compromised, they impact is lessened?
    Oh, I assume you’ve grabbed a quick backup of the site “just-in-case”?

  2. Just disable Jordan’s account….with all the porn sites he visits surely it’s his computer that the attackers are coming in through….

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