To shave or not to shave

Shaved and Dangerous

Over the years I have been cycling, I have been asked the question that we all are asked eventually. “Why do you shave your legs”  I usually tell them that I don’t shave, I wax, but that’s a different story.

You might have told them all sorts of things from

1. It feels good between the sheets.

2. The Wife/Husband/boyfriend/girlfriend loves it

3. It means the hairs don’t get pulled out of my legs when getting a massage

4. It helps heal wounds and road rash.

5. It makes me go faster!

Well the guys over at the Specialised Wind Tunnel have been doing some testing. The first one was whether a beard would make a difference or not to your times.  The latest one is whether hairy or shaved legs make a difference.  I will let them tell you the outcome, and believe me, this is worth 5 minutes of your time.  You might be surprisesd. Of course, you need to consider your own personal Wookie Factor when considering this question as well.

Shaved and Dangerous